PE Calender

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Why do PE in English? I'm Spanish!

Physical Education (PE) - a foundation for many students' understanding of the human body, and how it can be manipulated to perform the basic actions necessary to participate in a wide variety of sports. Why would one choose to participate in physical eduction through English?

PE is a perfect example of how the bilingual initiative can achieve success without interrupting or negatively effecting the learning of students. By hearing and speaking the language while participating in a variety of sporting activities, conditioning and skill acquisition lessons, students will indirectly learn English, and within a context that is undoubtedly relevant to their adolescent lives. Learning basic phrases, sentences and vocabulary within the context of sport will benefit them greatly when interacting with native English speakers in a sporting context, and will add a depth of character that many students cannot claim.

The combination of intellectual and physical stimulation means they are learning and increasing their physical conditioning AT THE SAME TIME! What's not to love about that?